Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Blog Ever...

Hello all!  I have never blogged in my life and though I actually do enjoy writing, the first few may be a little rough so bare with me;) I just thought this might be a good place to voice my thoughts for the day about random things..

Today I'm on day three of a fast (the master cleanse), and all that's going through my head is a recipe for bean burgers with guacomole. I'm trying to distract myself with other fun things like my new sports challenge (some of you may have joined me already or you can join here: ). But the smell of Jack in the Box from the other room CERTAINLY is not helping...>( I can smell the curly fries and it's making my olfactory senses dance the hokey-pokey. You put your right foot in... Or maybe it's just making me slightly crazy lol. Why ever did I paint my windows shut?! Ugh! I'm replacing the windows. I need some air in here.

Today I'm also contemplating the lack of routine in my life. I've noticed my motivation for things come in spurts (oh, that was so porno lol) and then die quickly. Yoga, painting, cooking, guitar, I do it obsessively for a few moths and fall off for a few months, back and forth. Creating self-discipline seems to be ones of the themes I'm experiencing in this life. Maybe I really should have joined the military and then I'd have some. lol. I actually did almost join the Navy when I was 19. I took all the tests and had very high marks but then 9-11 happened a month or so later and I decided maybe I shouldn't join the Navy after all. And if I did then I probably wouldn't have been showing y'all my ass for the last 10+ years! So it worked out well for all of us:) Sorry Navy boys! (and girls) You can blame Bin Laden I'm not on a battleship with you somewhere in the Straight of Hormuz...

Anyway, that concludes my very first blog. Come back again real soon.


P.S. Seriously it's amazing how strong your sense of smell becomes when you're hungry!!!